Juliana Moves

MOVE·MENT: the progressive development of a poem or story.

Coffee or Tea?

Let’s pretend that you and I are sitting down for a coffee (or tea) “date”!

It’s time to catch up! :]

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you:

1. I have recently become obsessed with Ellie Goulding’s album Halcyon Days. // Specifically “Don’t Say a Word”, “JOY”, “Explosions”, and “I Know You Care”

2. Tomorrow, I have a killer freaking awesome training day planned. // Ride to campus. Swim with Sabrina. Run x# miles. Ride home. {Of course, this will all be spread throughout the day.}

3. Tomorrow, I am also meeting some of the kids from Magnolia attending UT at Chipotle for lunch. YAY for gift cards! ;]

4. Oranges are my new fruit obsession.

5. I’m trying to focus more on protein now. This does not mean paleo.

6. I took my first chem test tonight! It was over physical equilibria. I felt pretty good about it! :]

7. Alex is coming to Austin in t-minus NINE days! ❤

8. My half marathon is in 12 days and I could not be more excited!

9. Riding to school >>> Taking the bus

10. New friends are really cool. 

So there you have it! 10 things I would tell you while sipping on my soy latte {or iced coffee!}

What would you tell me?





2 responses to “Coffee or Tea?”

  1. I would tell you (while sipping on my ice water):
    1. I took my first midterm yesterday and it was really hard. But then I took another right after and it was a breeze.
    2. It’s starting to get cold again here (by that I mean sub-thirty degrees, unlike this past month), and I am so ready for spring.
    3. Despite how difficult they are, I love my classes.
    4. Getting out of your comfort zone can be really hard but so worth it. Especially when you make new friends that understand you.
    5. I signed a contract tonight for next year and am living with two friends I made this semester (refer to point 4) and I couldn’t be more excited to live with them!
    6. I complain a lot about the cold and the snow and ice, but the mountains look absolutely beautiful covered in snow. There are also so many winter activities that I never knew about that seem awesome and I want to try, but I’m too poor to try most of them haha.
    7. Come back to Utah with me!

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